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1997 – a National Prayer, Thomas Jefferson

A national prayer

Dear Friends:

This is our third Thanksgiving greeting since we began our practice in June 1994. People have been asking us whether they could expect another letter this year. We are gratified that our greetings are becoming a tradition that friends and clients warmly anticipate.

The Lord’s blessings have kept us busy since our last letter. In our continuing efforts to serve those He brings to us for help, we have brought Michelle Kagan on board as a legal assistant. We are quite excited to have her join our team and anticipate that her ten years of law office experience will enable us to serve our clients more efficiently. When you are in our neighborhood, please stop in to meet Michelle and visit.

At this time of year, my thoughts often turn to our country’s early history, a period of our history of which I am particularly fond. Not only were our forefathers faithful and brave, but they set aside time from their labors to give thanks for the blessings they received during their great struggle to establish new lives. The faith and bravery of our forefathers should be inspiring to all of us. As our families come together in fellowship and gratitude at this holiday season, we remember that Thanksgiving commemorates our forefathers’ struggles as well as their thankfulness.

This year we send you a national prayer authored by Thomas Jefferson. His prayer shows he was not only a man of courage but also a man of faith. He and his writings should remind us of the great efforts that secured the blessings we all enjoy as United States citizens.

We are enclosing copies of this national prayer for you and a friend.

Happy Thanksgiving,

The Law Offices of Mark S. Knutson, S.C.